A day of fun
You know you're in a true Southern home when the cart that holds your pencils and office supplies also holds your booze!
We had a lot of fun today! TV guy and I took The Brain to a birthday party out in the country. It may seem strange that we still do stuff like this, but after four years we've managed to develop relationships with each others friends. It just so happens that today there was a birthday party for a friend of ours youngest daughter. The oldest daughter (Contessa) is about a year younger than The Brain and they have been playing together now for close to half their lives. Since TV guy and I still remain close it only makes since that we continue to do things that we've always done.
While I didn't know many of the people at the party, which by the way was filled with the best that The South has to offer, rednecks, good ol'boys, and g.r.i.t.s., I did know enough of them from the multitude of funerals, weddings, and parties over the years to feel right at home.At one point our friends son was passed along to me and became my companion for the rest of the evening. He looks like a little pixie, a happier baby I've never seen. I was upset to learn though that he will have to have open heart surgery this summer to repair some defect that he's had since birth. It seems so unfair that someone so young should have to be tested so thoroughly. Once I heard that I had a very tough time letting him go. What a cutie!!
Anyway, there were probably close to 15 kids there of varying ages and twice as many adults. Food, cake, chaos, and laughter dominated the setting and more than once I had to check on The Brain and the Contessa to make sure that they were behaving themselves. It seems that it's never too young to play a game of you show me yours and I'll show you mine. Ah, young love!
All in all I think TV guy and I were both surprised at how much fun we had. It was really nice to get away and just have fun and be silly for a while. The Brain was asleep before his head hit the pillow.
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