Okay, so my work computer starting working for only the second time in over a month yesterday. Would you like to know what I found when I turned it on?
Would ya?
I have 67 cases that are due to be finished NO LATER THAN 03/20/06. Yep. 67.
You couldn't possibly have any idea HOW MUCH FREAKIN' WORK THIS IS!!!!!
Okay, I feel better now. I just needed a moment. So if I don't see anyone for the next three weeks or so it's not because I'm ignoring you, it's because I've run away from home and have joined a band of traveling gypsies and am trying to master the art of tambourine playing.
I'm just kidding. Really.
The Brain would hate to have to dance in front of people. Having a pet monkey might be cool though.
But I'm just kidding.
I'd never really run away.
Done! Thanks for the support. I didn't mean that I'm leaving though, just that I may not be consistent in my blogging for a little while.
I could never leave you guys, you're the best!
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