Three states in Three Days
I think I've just about recovered from all of the family togetherness that we thrust upon ourselves every year. Whew! Of course, this year we just had to do something different. We decided that because the holidays are not stressful enough, we would combine visiting family days with day trips to nearby cities. WHY I thought that this would be a good idea I have no idea!
On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day my brother brought his family over (affectionately known as the circus) which included his very loud, can't talk for yelling self, his spoiled blond wife, his two year old (also very loud) daughter, his 2 1/2 month old son, his half grown rottweiler "puppy" (and I use the term 'puppy' very loosely), and his 'I wish I looked less like a football and more like a dog' dog Tigger (named such because of his tendency to lift one of his back legs and hop around on the others). Tigger by the way is a white Malti-Poo if anyone cares, and is also I believe, the most sane member of that particular branch of the family tree. *sigh*
And a loud time was had by all.

The day after Christmas mom and I got up and dragged The Brain with us to Nashville to tour the zoo. It's actually really neat if anyone happens to be in the area. It was a little on the cold side, 50's I think, but all in all, it was worth the drive. We had dinner and drove back home afterwards.
I worked on Tuesday and we spent the day trying to recuperate from the weekend.
Wednesday we got up and drove to Atlanta. I wanted to do some shopping and we bought tickets to the new aquarium for that night. Boy was this a mistake! Now I understand that this is the South. I get that football is akin to religion here, but frankly if it isn't Alabama football it doesn't register on my radar. Apparently we picked the worst possible time to travel to Atlanta because they were hosting several Bowl games that weekend. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry (with their dogs) was in the city. I've never had a problem with city driving, but driving in that kind of traffic, in the rain, with my MOTHER and son is quite frankly my idea of hell. I quit smoking Feb 23, 2004, I made it through the last month's of my dad's life and the funeral without starting up again. I just about blew it in Atlanta if that tells you anything.
Anyway, we spent the night there (the aquarium was fantastic , I'll post some pictures of it as soon as I can) and then got up and drove to Chattanooga Thursday morning. We went and saw Ruby Falls, which was very neat... I highly recommend the tour if you happen to be in the area. It's the worlds largest underground waterfall... definitely not for those with claustrophobia!
We spent Friday shopping and running errands. It's nice that sometimes all it takes to make you appreciate what you have is to go somewhere else for a day or two.
Saturday I took The Brain to the Salon where we spent the afternoon getting fussed over. I had my hair put up and he played with the other waiting kids. All in all it was a lot of fun for both of us. As a reward for his patience I took him to the mall to eat and play in the arcade. He won the jackpot on some game and wound up with like 1335 tickets as a result. I believe at that moment he could've walked on air! He "bought" a really large green stuffed cat with the tickets and pronounced it the best day ever.
Mother and I have season tickets to the Symphony which included tickets to a New Year's Eve performance by Eileen Ivers. She was one of the stars in Riverdance and quite frankly one of the best performers of any kind I have seen in a long time. She was amazing. By the end of the night she had the entire concert hall (which was sold out by the way) standing up, clapping, singing, and in some cases dancing. It was honestly one of the best times I've ever had. We managed to procure an extra ticket a couple of month's ago and so was able to bring The Brain along. He loved it as much as we did. Truly, if you ever have the chance to see her in concert, run, don't walk, she's amazing! It made for a great New Year's.
Anyway, we lounged around the house on Sunday and Monday and generally just enjoyed the time to relax. Monday brought temperatures in the 70's and everyone was outside enjoying the respite. It made me want spring to get here sooner! I'm already itching to get to my gardening... not a good sign considering it's still the first week of January.
So now the holiday's are done (YEAH!!) and Valentine's day is just around the corner. All in all I'd say it wasn't too bad.
On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day my brother brought his family over (affectionately known as the circus) which included his very loud, can't talk for yelling self, his spoiled blond wife, his two year old (also very loud) daughter, his 2 1/2 month old son, his half grown rottweiler "puppy" (and I use the term 'puppy' very loosely), and his 'I wish I looked less like a football and more like a dog' dog Tigger (named such because of his tendency to lift one of his back legs and hop around on the others). Tigger by the way is a white Malti-Poo if anyone cares, and is also I believe, the most sane member of that particular branch of the family tree. *sigh*
And a loud time was had by all.

The day after Christmas mom and I got up and dragged The Brain with us to Nashville to tour the zoo. It's actually really neat if anyone happens to be in the area. It was a little on the cold side, 50's I think, but all in all, it was worth the drive. We had dinner and drove back home afterwards.
I worked on Tuesday and we spent the day trying to recuperate from the weekend.

We spent Friday shopping and running errands. It's nice that sometimes all it takes to make you appreciate what you have is to go somewhere else for a day or two.

Anyway, we lounged around the house on Sunday and Monday and generally just enjoyed the time to relax. Monday brought temperatures in the 70's and everyone was outside enjoying the respite. It made me want spring to get here sooner! I'm already itching to get to my gardening... not a good sign considering it's still the first week of January.
So now the holiday's are done (YEAH!!) and Valentine's day is just around the corner. All in all I'd say it wasn't too bad.
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