Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Now a Wedding Blog

Until further notice.


And I'm totally freaking out. My jeweler of like, oh I don't know, FOREVER has retired. This was evidenced by the gaping hole in the side of his building! He was there two months ago. Now? NOTHING!

We picked out our rings at another store and was just going to go to "David" to have him put together what we wanted (at a greatly reduced price). Now? I have no idea what we're going to do. I tracked down the man's home number, I heard that he might still do some work on the side for friends and family, but I don't know if that's actually the case. So now I'm trying to screw up my courage enough to call this poor man at home and beg him to make my engagement ring and our wedding bands.

Oh, and the church we had previously picked out? The one that was perfect in Every.Single.Way? Well... they've just instituted a new policy that says that only parishioners are allowed to get married there. ARGH!!! I spent the whole afternoon wandering around the down town area looking at all of the old historical churches and asking about policies. I found one Catholic church (which was pretty from the outside, but frankly had scary blue carpet that was who knows how old throughout the inside), that might be an option. They only want $300 for the use of the chapel, not too bad, but still... not perfect. There was the beautiful historical Methodist church that had a stunning sanctuary but was really run down everywhere else. Plus parking would be a total nightmare. All of this for the low low price of $1200.

I could just cry. Jeff and I both wanted a church wedding in a place that didn't feel totally commercialized (my problem with most modern churches), but also that didn't cost an arm and a leg. I could use my church but frankly, it feels like a convention center. It doesn't have the atmosphere I was hoping for. Jeff is Catholic but hasn't practiced down here and hasn't found a church since moving.

So I have no idea WHAT we're going to do. Who would've thought that getting married in "a House of God" would be so expensive and or impossible!

I think I might just go and have a good cry while I try and figure out ways NOT to sound totally scary and stalkish when I call the jeweler at home.


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