A Week Later

From Monday night when my eyes swelled shut, until yesterday afternoon when I could finally stop taking meds, I was totally out of commission. It was horrible! But... I did get some great pictures. This one was taken at the park we went to Monday night. That's Jeff walking down the stairs.
Jeff and I are getting ready to head out and celebrate his last day at Target. I surprised him with tickets to Stomp!... well, okay, surprised him might be a bit of an overstatement. I can't seem to keep him from figuring out anything! Still, we're looking forward to it, and I actually have Michael at his grandma's house until sometime tomorrow. I can't even begin to tell you how nice it will be to have a night off.
I'm freaking out more than a little about finding a better job, with rising gas prices, I just can't continue delivering pizzas. I'm barely breaking even anymore. But, tonight is not for that. Tonight is for laughter and fun and remembering what it means to just enjoy each others company without talk of jobs and money and stress.
Tomorrow is for job hunting, yard work, and race training.
Tomorrow will be a good day.
Sounds like so much fun!! :)
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