Friday, June 09, 2006

Big Changes

It has begun...

To say that this last week has brought change would be an understatement. The drama in my life has come to a complete and total stop, the abruptness of it leaving me gasping but strangely sated.

In the last week conversations with Agent C have changed. Words that used to scare the hell out of me but that now seem to have lost their venom have begun surfacing in our conversations. Words like marriage and love and children. Words that I never thought I could bring myself to consider again but that now seem necessary to me in some way.

He has started the ball rolling and will be moving here in August. He has decided that a career change is in order, and in what I consider to be a very brave move has decided to return to school and study law. He will begin law school in the Fall. He wants a job that can guarantee his making it home every night... it seems he feels that there's incentive for that now.

He's right. Yesterday was my last day at my job. I finally got to the point where the cost of The Job far outweighed any benefits of it. So today, for the first time in literally four and a half years I actually have a full day off. I'm terrified that I'm flying without a net in a job market that is far from friendly, but when I turned over my badge yesterday the only feelings tha I could muster were that of relief and joy. It's because of that that I know I made the right decision.

Like I said... big changes.

For the first time in so long that I can't even remember, I'm excited about the future. Excited to see what happens next... it's been a long time coming.


Blogger anne said...

WOW!! Sounds so exciting!! Congratulations and good luck looking for the right next step!

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK..... Now we can talk, maybe....I support your choice concerning your job. If you feel relieved, it was the right option for you at this time. I have no fear that you will find another job that is equal or better with the qualities that you have to give to another job.
I was thrilled to read that your life is heading in a new direction with someone new to share it.
Go get life...........
I love you, Lady....

Mom II

4:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think that's great. I mean, you are taking a chance and making a change. It's brave and exciting. And it will work out. I know it will.

12:39 AM  
Blogger Mama D said...

It all sounds very exciting. And it sounds like the changes, though they may be scary, are good ones! Good luck!

2:36 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

How great to hear you sound so happy!
I hope all works out for you!
You absolutely deserve it!
Hope you had a fabulous day off!!!

4:40 PM  
Blogger Holly said...

Well, shoot. I've really been out of it for too long.

Sounds like a crazy, scary, wonderful time for you right now, Andria! I am happy for you and can't wait to hear your new story unfold.


2:46 PM  

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